WorkCover premiums soar, fuelling Vic’s cost of living crisis

Life under Labor is getting increasingly tougher for Victorian families and businesses as WorkCover premiums soar. The Nationals Member for Eastern Victoria Region, Melina Bath said the Andrews Government was slugging families and businesses any way it can after blowing billions in public money through mismanagement and inept decision making. “Policy decisions and city projects…


Labor forced to backflip on visiting teacher service cuts

Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Education and Nationals MP, Melina Bath has congratulated families and disability advocates for forcing the Andrews Government to backflip on its decision to cut 85 jobs Visiting Teacher Service jobs. The Visiting Teacher Service (VTS) supports children with disabilities and serious medical conditions statewide. Last month the Andrews Government announced it…


Media Highlights – 19 August 2023

State school disability budget lowered Children with disabilities in Victorian state schools have become the latest victims of the state government’s budget cuts. Teachers delivering one-on-one support to children with disabilities through the Visiting Teacher Service are being made redundant by the state government, with 117 frontline specialist teaching jobs in regional Victoria employed under…
