Labor’s timber strangulation heartbreaking for Orbost

Nationals and Liberal MPs, East Gippsland Shire Councillors, timber industry representatives, small business operators and local timber workers met in Orbost on Tuesday night in a show of solidarity. Addressing the large crowd, The Nationals Member for Eastern Victoria Region and Assistant Shadow Minister for Public land Use, Melina Bath acknowledged the critical importance of…


Liberals and Nationals to establish Retirement Village dispute service

People living in retirement villages will have access to specific and relevant advice regarding dispute resolution under a Liberal and Nationals Government. The Liberals and Nationals will develop a specific office within the Dispute Settlement Centre of Victoria to provide independent information, advice, mandatory conciliation, assistance through mediation processes and referrals if the conflict cannot…


Victorian children to become the nation’s best readers under Liberals and Nationals’ literacy plan

Victorian children will become the best readers in Australia under a Liberals and Nationals’ plan to improve our children’s literacy skills.   The Better Readers Plan will ensure no child misses out on the foundational skill of reading, by introducing evidence-based literacy programs in Victorian schools, including the use of Systematic Synthetic Phonics (SSP).   Systematic…


Better supporting students across Victoria’s non-government schools

More than 360,000 Victorian students, their families and school communities are set to benefit under a new commitment announced today by the Victorian Liberals and Nationals.   With almost one in two Victorian secondary school students enrolled in a non-government school, and independent schools experiencing the fastest rate of growth in Victoria, it is essential this…
