Victorian Liberal Nationals call to investigate Lake Buffalo expansion

The expansion of Lake Buffalo in north-east Victoria and its possible connection via a pipeline to Lake Nillahcootie should be referred to the Commonwealth Government’s new national water authority for investigation. Shadow Minister for Water Steph Ryan is also calling on the Victorian Government to reverse its panicked and unsupported ‘no dams’ policy. The Victorian…


More uncertainty for local Primary Care Partnerships

Health partnerships working to create healthier communities across Murray Plains face more uncertainty after the Andrews Government again refused to provide long-term funding. Primary Care Partnerships (PCPs) actively contribute to the health and wellbeing of individuals, families and their communities in regional Victoria, but have only been funded to June 2020 while a review is…


Regional passengers face lengthy delays with Labor’s cheap airport rail link

Regional train passengers will be condemned to a future of lengthy delays and longer travel times if the Andrews Government steamrolls plans for a dedicated airport rail link. Labor’s embattled Public Transport Minister Melissa Horne was asked today in State Parliament about whether regional passengers would have longer travel times if the airport rail link…


Labor’s Bungled Bag ban

The Nationals Member for Eastern Victoria Region, Melina Bath said Labor’s plastic bag ban has been bungled. “It is another example of the Andrews Government’s mishandling just like we have seen with Victoria’s recycling crisis, our inadequate farm trespass laws, the kangaroo pet food trial and the Solar Homes Program to name a few,” said…
