Bill McGrath

Vale The Hon. Bill McGrath

It is with great sadness the Victorian Nationals pass on condolences to the family and friends of William ‘Bill’ McGrath, a former Nationals MP and Minister. Serving as The Nationals Member for Lowan between 1979 and 1992 and Member for Wimmera between 1992 and 1999 after an electoral re-distribution, throughout his career Bill also held…


Labor’s legacy on the botched, stalled Murray Basin Rail Project

Tuesday 18 June 2019 Labor’s legacy on the botched, stalled Murray Basin Rail Project Out-of-money and indefinitely on hold: this is the Andrews Labor Government’s legacy for the stalled Murray Basin Rail Project. Under questioning in Parliament today, Transport Infrastructure Minister Jacinta Allan again arrogantly denied responsibility for botching the major upgrade works instead of…


Agriculture will grow under a Liberal Nationals government

When regional Victoria’s economy is strong, all Victorians benefit. An elected Liberal Nationals government will make the investments to drive growth and support jobs in Victoria’s agriculture industries to benefit all Victorians. Food and fibre production is the backbone of our regional communities. A Liberal Nationals Government will invest to make sure these vital sectors…


Flying squads to support growing regional communities

An elected Liberal Nationals government will restore the planning flying squads to support development and investment growth in regional Victoria. The Council Planning Flying Squad program will take the pressure off Victoria’s rural and regional councils, which are under increasing pressure from rates capping, rising costs and skills shortages. Announcing the policy in Lakes Entrance…


Twice as many trains and at faster speeds under the Liberal Nationals

Shepparton will finally get the rail service it has long wanted under a Liberal National plan to revitalise the city’s rail services and help decentralise Victoria’s economic and population growth. The Liberal Nationals will double the current number of return rail services from Shepparton to Melbourne. Through a $77 million investment the Liberal Nationals will…


Statement on Barnaby Joyce

Attributable to Leader of The Nationals Peter Walsh Barnaby Joyce is a tenacious and unabashed champion of rural and regional Australia and there’s no doubt communities across the country will reap benefits from Barnaby’s strong advocacy long into the future. The State Nationals team thank Barnaby for all he has done to boost investment into…
