- Preservation of democracy in Australia through the Westminster Parliamentary system.
- Adherence to the Federal system of Government and the maintenance of the powers and responsibilities of Federal, State and Local Government.
- Maintenance of and adherence to the rule of law.
- Maintenance of an adequate defence capacity.
- Preservation of the rights of the individual and equality of opportunity for all.
- Protection of the security of private ownership and the advancement of free enterprise through individual initiative.
- Preservation of the freedom of the press, radio, television and means of communication.
- Balanced development of industry and population.
- Promotion of decentralisation of population and the balancing of economic and social opportunities and community services in city and country.
- Prudent conservation of Australia’s natural resources and environment.
- Provision of adequate care for those incapable of caring for themselves.
- Prevention of the socialisation of industry, production, distribution and exchange.
- Preservation of freedom of speech.
The National Party recognise that the objects and beliefs of the Party will be achieved and maintained by the Party winning and maintaining Government.