Walsh says farm decision is the final straw in the Daniel Andrews debacle

The Premier’s latest decree to mandate a first dose vaccination for all Authorised Workers, including farmers, by October 15, “in order to continue working onsite” is desperate and illogical. Victorian farmers are the latest victims of the Andrews Labor Government shifting the goalposts and its total failure to comprehend, let alone manage, the ongoing mess…


No ifs, or buts – steps forward for Regional Victorians must be unshackled from Melbourne

The time has come to guarantee a positive way forward for regional Victorian communities that have been crippled by 18 months of uncertainty and lockdown. Vaccination rates in regional Victoria already far exceed those in Melbourne, with 55.64 per cent of the community now fully vaccinated – compared to 47.2 per cent in metropolitan Melbourne.…


Murray Basin Rail clocks up five years of delays – so far: VAGO

New official data on the performance of Victoria’s major projects has slammed poorly managed upgrades to north-west Victoria’s freight rail network that are now five years overdue. According to the Victorian Auditor-General’s Office (VAGO), the Murray Basin Rail Project, which originally planned to deliver transformational upgrades to freight lines including Mildura, Sea Lake and Manangatang,…


No solution in sight for frontline responder training

The failure of the Andrews Government to fix legal loopholes in the Timber Code of Practice has blocked training for essential service workers, firefighters and first responders, placing communities at risk. A court injunction on two forestry training sites in East Gippsland has obstructed TAFE Gippsland’s essential forestry training, the only nationally accredited specialist training…
