Mental health facilities opened, but ignored workforce shortages mean no-one’s home

Today’s announcement shows the State Labor Government continues to ignore red flags raised by school principals, psychologists and counsellors that Victoria’s mental health workforce isn’t keeping up with demand for youth mental health. Under-staffed mental health services can’t provide the care and preventative support Victorian kids so desperately need. Shadow Minister for Mental Health Emma…


Kids waiting five years for mental health support when change should start today

Too many Victorian kids suffering increasing levels of anxiety and emotional stress will continue to fall through the cracks, with State Labor confirming today a boost to mental health support in schools is still two years away. The Government’s Schools Mental Health Fund Menu won’t be rolled out statewide until 2024, despite Victorian kids struggling…


Politics or science? Victorians deserve the truth on Labor’s timber shutdown

Workers, families and communities whose livelihoods rely on Victoria’s $7.3 billion native timber industry are demanding the truth on the State Labor Government’s 2030 ban. Serious questions are being asked of the State Government, after Attorney-General Jaclyn Symes recently foreshadowed Labor won’t comply with a parliamentary request to produce scientific evidence on the ban because…


Derailed rail project anything but ‘on track’, Minister

The claim from Minister for Transport Infrastructure Jacinta Allan that the Murray Basin Rail Project is ‘ahead of schedule’ has left regional Victorians in absolute disbelief. The Murray Basin Rail Project is stalled, astronomically over-budget and nearing a decade behind schedule thanks to Jacinta Allan and Victorian Labor’s catastrophic project mismanagement. Leader of The Nationals…
