Call for Young Farmers

The Nationals Member for Gippsland South, Danny O’Brien, is encouraging young Gippsland farmers to apply for a spot on the Young Farmers Advisory Council.   Mr O’Brien said applications were welcome from young people (under 35) in the agriculture sector with experience in farm management, agribusiness, finance, education, international markets and regional development.   “The…


Win with on-time payments

Logging contractors have had a rare win with the announcement that they will be paid by Vic Forests in line with both their contractual obligations and the Owner Drivers and Forestry Contractors Act 2005. “The impetus for this came from timber industry businesses that were being threatened with penalties under a new State law that…


Weed it and reap

The Nationals Member for Gippsland South, Danny O’Brien, is urging the Andrews Labor Government to do more to ensure all landholders play their part in tackling the growing weed problem across the region.   It’s estimated that weeds cost Australian agriculture $4 billion through yield losses and product contamination each year and that controlling invasive…
