Labor refuses to detail plan for Vic dairy farmers

Agriculture Minister Jaala Pulford has refused to answer how her State Government will further support Victoria’s dairy farmers, despite her complaints that the Federal Government’s $579 million assistance package is not enough. Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce announced a $555 million concessional loans scheme last month after Murray Goulburn and Fonterra unexpectedly slashed milk prices.…


Labor Minister abandons young Victorians

It was revealed this afternoon in a Public Accounts and Estimates Committee hearing that Daniel Andrews’ Minister for Youth Affairs has completely abandoned young Victorians. Questioning by the Liberal-Nationals revealed that Jenny Mikakos has abolished the Office of Youth from her department and removed Youth Affairs from this year’s budget output initiatives. And despite being…


Coalition questioning reveals Labor’s training cuts

Training and Skills Minister Steve Herbert has admitted to massive funding cuts to student training under questioning from Parliament’s Public Accounts and Estimates Committee. More than $175 million in funding meant for student training was cut from the Victorian Training Guarantee, including $125 million that was returned to consolidated revenue. A further $50 million of money earmarked for…


Appointment of The Nationals Victoria State Director

Sally Branson has been appointed The National Party of Victoria’s State Director. Victorian President Peter Schwarz today welcomed the appointment of Sally to this role, as an eminently qualified professional who will provide strong leadership for the party. Sally has worked extensively across rural and regional Australia in community development and in senior public affairs roles in both the private sector and in international diplomatic and defence…
