More Victorian manufacturing to drive more ways to buy local, support Victorian jobs

There’s a renewed push to capture new opportunities in manufacturing and drive alternative career paths in regional Victoria as part of Australian Made Week this week. Victoria was once a powerhouse in Australian manufacturing, but shortages of agriculture chemicals, machinery parts and PPE through the pandemic are driving home the desperate need to reduce Victoria’s…


Minister’s excuses leave Murray Basin Rail Project under a fresh cloud of doubt

Victorian Transport Infrastructure Minister Jacinta Allan has used parliamentary budget hearings today to raise more red flags on the Murray Basin Rail Project, saying her Federal Labor colleagues have made no commitment to the project’s delivery. Under questioning at parliamentary hearings on the 2022-23 State Budget papers, the Minister worked hard to muddy the waters…


Victorian farmers fear decades of agriculture R&D facing the chopping block

Victorian farmers fear the Andrews Labor Government is “abandoning” agriculture R&D by systematically “whittling down research capabilities” after reports today Hamilton’s multi-million-dollar red meat centre is under a cloud of doubt. Labor has been on the warpath making cuts to agriculture jobs and R&D capabilities, with $47.8 million cut from the agriculture budget this year…


Labor working overtime to cover its tracks on dangerous road safety cuts

The Andrews Labor Government’s claims yesterday that it’s gone ‘over and above its original target’ for road maintenance in regional Victoria are little more than a PR offensive that won’t wash with country drivers. Evidence provided to Parliament’s Public Accounts and Estimates Committee (PAEC) just last week stands in stark contrast to the questionable claims…
