Victorian children to become the nation’s best readers under Liberals and Nationals’ literacy plan

Victorian children will become the best readers in Australia under a Liberals and Nationals’ plan to improve our children’s literacy skills.   The Better Readers Plan will ensure no child misses out on the foundational skill of reading, by introducing evidence-based literacy programs in Victorian schools, including the use of Systematic Synthetic Phonics (SSP).   Systematic…


Better supporting students across Victoria’s non-government schools

More than 360,000 Victorian students, their families and school communities are set to benefit under a new commitment announced today by the Victorian Liberals and Nationals.   With almost one in two Victorian secondary school students enrolled in a non-government school, and independent schools experiencing the fastest rate of growth in Victoria, it is essential this…


Reducing our blackspot areas

Under a Liberal and Nationals Government, Victorians in areas with poor mobile coverage would be eligible for a rebate to install mobile boosters in vehicles, homes and businesses. Gippsland East Nationals MP, Tim Bull said the subsidy is part of a $150 million Connecting Country Communities program which will see better mobile coverage and broadband…


McCurdy plans to bust Wangaratta congestion with $1 million commitment

Congestion in the Wangaratta CBD will be addressed with Nationals Member for Ovens Valley, Tim McCurdy, announcing a million-dollar commitment to conduct a comprehensive road and traffic study of the Central Business District in Wangaratta, and exploration of a second River Crossing option. Mr McCurdy described the pledge as ‘committing to the long-term future of…


Real solutions to deliver a cheaper, cleaner, more reliable energy future

The early closure of Victoria’s largest power station further demonstrates the need for a common-sense plan to transition our energy market whilst keeping prices low.   The Liberals and Nationals’ real solutions plan for energy is all about ensuring reliable and affordable energy while delivering a practical and achievable path to reduce emissions.   Our…
