Fire inquiry findings cannot wait ‘til 2024
Important recommendations from a review of the 2019/20 bushfires that ravaged the region will not be acted on by the Andrews Labor Government until 2024, leaving East Gippslanders to endure…
Important recommendations from a review of the 2019/20 bushfires that ravaged the region will not be acted on by the Andrews Labor Government until 2024, leaving East Gippslanders to endure…
The Nationals Member for Gippsland South Danny O’Brien says regular planned burns in our forest and Crown land is critical to save lives and the environment. “Planned burns are…
The Nationals Member for Lowan Emma Kealy is concerned at a decision made late last night to suspend maternity services at the hospital in Horsham. The decision means that local…
A $219.5 million boost for innovation and research in Australia’s forestry sector today is a badly needed vote of confidence in Victorian jobs that State Labor is hellbent on destroying.…
Nationals Member for Ovens Valley Tim McCurdy is frustrated to hear that recently in Parliament a city Labor MP labelled our crumbling country roads as “imagined fantasies”. The accusation…
In Parliament earlier this week, Nationals Member for Ovens Valley Tim McCurdy requested the Minister for Environment visit the Warby Ovens National Park near Wangaratta to witness firsthand the irreversible…
The release of a timeline for the Chunxing Corporation’s Used Lead Acid Battery (ULAB) project has triggered community concerns about lead emission monitoring in the Latrobe Valley. The Andrews Government…
A Labor dominated committee has handed down an ‘Inquiry into ecosystem decline in Victoria’, recommending the reintroduction of dingoes and the banning of 1080 baits that are used to control…
Fresh ABS data has shown Melburnians have abandoned the city in record numbers with metro population falling by 60,500 in the 12 months to 30 June 2021 – a crash…
The Education Minister has assured Parliament the old school sites of Mooroopna Secondary College, McGuire College and Wanganui Park Secondary College will not be sold off. The news came just…
The hypocrisy of State Labor’s cuts to agriculture jobs has been exposed with figures today that the number of spin doctors in the Premier’s personal office nearly outstrips resourcing for…
Long-term strategic planning of a 2026 Commonwealth Games will be crucial if regional Victoria is to reap the full benefit of infrastructure upgrades and promotional activities that the event will…