More office jobs, less front-line staff
The Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) annual report shows it has substantially increased the number of senior executives in its ranks while cutting vital field staff over…
DetailsThe Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) annual report shows it has substantially increased the number of senior executives in its ranks while cutting vital field staff over…
DetailsA decision by Justice Richards in the Supreme Court yesterday has delivered a shocking Christmas blow to timber industry workers in East Gippsland. After years of inaction by the…
DetailsThere is still no sign of the long-awaited VLocity trains on the north east line, despite multiple assurances that they would be on the tracks and taking passengers before Christmas.…
DetailsThe Independent Victorian Ombudsman has condemned the Andrews Labor Government’s Coronavirus border crossing laws were “downright unjust, even inhumane”. Gippsland East Nationals MP, Tim Bull said he had been contacted…
DetailsA review of electricity distribution network resilience is underway in the wake of storm-induced outages this year and following calls from The Nationals Member for Gippsland South, Danny O’Brien. …
DetailsTimber workers in East Gippsland and the Central Highlands are devastated with the news the native timber industry is effectively being shut down on the eve of Christmas in Victoria.…
DetailsThe Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) has substantially increased the number of senior executives in their ranks while cutting vital field staff over the last financial year.…
DetailsA pledge for 350 extra staff in our severely under-resourced mental health workforce shows the Andrews Labor Government has abandoned Victorians struggling in the shadow pandemic. Labor’s lockdowns have…
DetailsThe Nationals Member for Eastern Victoria Region, Melina Bath has labelled the Andrews Government’s latest Forestry Plan announcement a farcical con, saying it’s as useful to workers and industry as…
DetailsWe had all hoped that 2021 would be a year of healing, growth and recovery. But under Labor, it’s been more of the same lies, corruption and contempt for Victorians.…
DetailsNationals Member for Ovens Valley Tim McCurdy previously spoke in Parliament about the excessive costs imposed by the Victorian Government on regional residents through the new regional swimming pool compliance…
DetailsAs dwindling timber supply puts a handbrake on home building and makes it harder to transport goods around the nation, the Andrews Labor Government has today announced it will spend…