Need for more rail services never greater
Gippsland Nationals MPs are ramping up pressure on the Andrews Labor Government to deliver more rail services to Central and East Gippsland. The Nationals Member for Gippsland South,…
DetailsGippsland Nationals MPs are ramping up pressure on the Andrews Labor Government to deliver more rail services to Central and East Gippsland. The Nationals Member for Gippsland South,…
DetailsThe need for direct financial support for fire impacted businesses in East Gippsland has been raised yet again by Gippsland East Nationals MP, Tim Bull – this time to a…
DetailsThe Nationals Member for Gippsland South, Danny O’Brien has again called on the Andrews Labor Government to fund urgently needed fire station replacements in the wake of the summer bushfires.…
DetailsThe Nationals Member for Gippsland South, Danny O’Brien has called on the Andrews Labor Government to recommit to a 5 per cent annual fuel reduction burning target. Mr O’Brien…
DetailsThe design of the north-east’s promised new VLocity trains is being hidden by the Andrews Government. Shadow Minister for Regional Public Transport Steph Ryan requested design details of the much-anticipated…
DetailsPressure is mounting for the Andrews Labor Government to provide funding for a cantilevered viewing platform at Agnes Falls, with a petition containing more than 1000 signatures tabled in State…
DetailsGippsland East Nationals MP, Tim Bull, said having presented a proposal to government three weeks ago for a fishing competition to boost tourism and the local economy, he was pleased…
DetailsThe Nationals Member for Eastern Victoria Region, Melina Bath is calling on the Andrews Labor Government to confirm the 2020 duck season. “Recreational shooters are incredibly important to Gippsland’s regional…
DetailsA group of Gippsland hardware businesses have initiated a ‘Sponsor a Bushfire Recovery Kit’ program to assist people impacted by East Gippsland bushfires. The Bushfire Recovery Kits contain vital equipment…
DetailsNot enough is being done by State and Federal Governments to assist East Gippsland businesses impacted by the fires and the mass evacuation that took place in the peak holiday…
DetailsGrassroots sporting clubs across the Euroa electorate are encouraged to apply for funding through the 2019-2020 Sporting Club Grants Program. Euroa MP Steph Ryan said local sporting clubs wishing to…
DetailsVictoria’s Afghani Hazara community gathered recently in Dandenong to support East Gippsland bushfire victims. The Nationals Member for Eastern Victoria Region, Melina Bath said as the bushfire emergency unfolded, she…