Wednesday 29 January 2025
Letter to the Editor
Here we go again. The blame game’s back on.
On the radio airwaves last week, Premier Jacinta Allan once again blamed floods for the shocking state of our regional roads.
Driving around regional Victoria last week, I was genuinely shocked – again – at the potholes and crumbling surfaces, and it is ridiculous to continually blame rain events.
Victorians already pay some of the highest vehicle registration fees in the country.
So, where’s that money going?
Memo Premier Allan: Forget the excuses and just get on with fixing potholes.
Enough is enough. It’s time for real action to fix our roads and restore safety, not more Labor political spin.
Labor can’t manage roads and regional Victorians are paying the price.
Danny O’Brien MP
Leader of The Nationals
Shadow Minister for Roads and Road Safety