Education inquiry launched

Our students’ futures are being prioritised with the launch of a parliamentary inquiry into Victoria’s state education system.   Member for Lowan and Deputy Leader of the Nationals Emma Kealy is urging everyone to have their say, with submissions now open.   “As legislators, as elected members of parliament, it has been a long time…


Walsh – LETTER TO THE EDITOR (Supermarket prices surge for Victorians)

Dear Editor, Supermarket prices are continuing to bite all Victorians right when they can least afford it. Victorian families are struggling to put food on the table, punished by rising inflation and the Labor Government’s incompetence. With the average family this year now spending $1565 more on groceries, hardworking Victorian families are simply struggling to…


Education inquiry launch

Educational outcomes will be one of the major focus points of a parliamentary inquiry reviewing Victoria’s state education system.   State Member for Gippsland East, Tim Bull, commended his Nationals’ colleague and Member for Eastern Victoria Region, Melina Bath, for her role in establishing the inquiry.   “As Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Education and a…


Labor’s public housing truth uncovered by Games shambles

The Andrews Government’s shambolic cancellation of the Commonwealth Games has further highlighted Victoria’s public housing crisis and Labor’s inability to respond to it. In response to questioning by The Nationals Member for Eastern Victoria Region, Melina Bath in parliament in March on repurposing village accommodation, The Minister for Commonwealth Games Legacy, Harriet Shing said, “post…
