Labor’s SEC plan full of holes
The Andrews Labor Government has fumbled questions about its plan to bring back the State Electricity Commission, failing to provide detail about the promised delivery of jobs for the Latrobe…
The Andrews Labor Government has fumbled questions about its plan to bring back the State Electricity Commission, failing to provide detail about the promised delivery of jobs for the Latrobe…
The Minister for Outdoor Sport and Recreation, Sonya Kilkenny has raised further concerns that the Andrews Labor Government intends to cancel future duck seasons by refusing to even answer if…
Deep concerns remain for Southern Basin communities after Victorian Minister for Water, Harriet Shing dodged questions at a Public Accounts and Estimates Committee Hearing. The Minister has failed to say…
Questions remain unanswered as the Labor Government faces renewed heat on how much money is being drained from water authorities to prop up Victoria’s budget. The Minister for Water, Harriet…
Nationals MP Gaelle Broad has urged residents of Northern Victoria to make a submission to the current gambling inquiry, amid concerns over massive gaming losses in regional areas. “As…
Seniors will suffer after Andrews Government’s sudden call to stop advertising in major Victorian newspapers. A key, traditional source of public and emergency information will be lost as the…
The Andrews Government is set to repeat history by repeatedly underspending on regional roads to the detriment of local communities, according to The Nationals Member for Morwell, Martin Cameron. “Labor’s…
The Andrews Labor Government must provide funding certainty for the Mode Shift Incentive Scheme (MSIS) to encourage more freight onto rail. The MSIS is an incentive program providing financial…
Nationals MP Gaelle Broad has asked the Government to urgently provide more information on the controversial high voltage powerline destined for north central Victoria. Speaking in Parliament, Ms Broad…
The State Government is being called on to explain why public housing is sitting empty in Gippsland while people are desperate for a roof over their head. The Nationals…
The Nationals Member for Gippsland South Danny O’Brien is concerned that new energy legislation passed by the Andrews Labor Government will do little to improve resilience or help communities affected…
Labor has sensationally backed away from mental health support for timber workers in state parliament following further questioning from The Nationals Member for Eastern Victoria Region and Shadow Parliamentary Secretary…