In Parliament Nationals Member for Ovens Valley Tim McCurdy captured the grave reality of the Victorian Governments overwhelming neglect towards regional Victoria’s road to recover and rebuild.
In Parliament Mr McCurdy said, “Maintenance is the cornerstone of everything.
“In life, when we purchase a car, run our own business, buy a house, or even grow own garden – we need to look after those things and ‘maintain them’ to ensure that they are kept well and looked after.
“If we choose to neglect those things, they quickly begin to slip away or break down.”
He continued, “When I consider regional Victoria it becomes clear that the Victorian Government has failed to maintain our regions and is allowing them to slip away.
“Whether it’s Victoria’s road maintenance cut, Victoria’s 000 failing, Victoria’s healthcare system crisis, or Victoria’s damaged education system, our system is at breaking point and it’s time the Victorian Government help maintain our regions.”
Mr McCurdy concluded, “Without this maintenance; without this support, our regions will not develop and progress but instead fall backwards.
“It’s time the Victorian Government listen to our teachers, nurses, ambulance officers and police officers, and residents who are asking for help.”