Daniel Andrews’ Ice Action plan is a $184 million dud. Lots of money is being spent but it’s not making a dent in the numbers of people and their families that are being destroyed by this insidious drug.
It’s not just the lives that are being ruined, it’s the side effects like violent crime and aggravated burglaries which is impacting on tens of thousands of Victorians.
Despite these problems we still have members of the Andrews Labor Government arguing for drug injecting rooms in our suburbs.
We need to provide better help for those who want to beat their addiction.
At the moment those wanting to beat their addictions face waits of up to a year for rehabilitation support because Daniel Andrews is spending the money from the Ice Action Plan on glossy brochures and bureaucratic talkfests.
The Liberal Nationals believe that we need tougher sentences for drug traffickers, a more effective rehabilitation system and better awareness campaigns for young people and the community.