The State Government is being asked to put the duplication of the South Gippsland Highway from Lang Lang to Leongatha on the infrastructure agenda.
Speaking in State Parliament, The Nationals Member for Gippsland South, Danny O’Brien asked the Minister for Transport Infrastructure to clarify the long-term plans for the eventual duplication of the South Gippsland Highway beyond Lang Lang.
“The South Gippsland Highway is fully duplicated from Melbourne to the turn off between Lang Lang and Nyora, but from there on some sections can best be described as a goat track,” Mr O’Brien said.
“I acknowledge some work has been done in recent years to improve the surface, but this tends not to last very long, and in any event the road still needs further work.
“Given the increasing volume of traffic, whether it is new residents to the area, tourists heading to the Prom or elsewhere in beautiful South Gippsland, or the increasing number of trucks on our roads generally, the road does need improving.”
Mr O’Brien said he was not expecting an immediate plan to duplicate from the Government but would like to see that planning was being undertaken for a longer-term duplication, at least to Leongatha.
“I would like to see that planning for route alignment and land purchases are taking place.
“I appreciate that this might be a long-term project, but there are steps that can and should be being taken now. Our road authorities usually have plans in place for the longer-term and I’m interested to know whether any planning is occurring for the main arterial through South Gippsland. If not, it should be.”
Mr O’Brien also highlighted that an upgrade of the South Gippsland Highway would be a great option for an economic stimulus project as the State Government looks to help rebuild in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.