Wednesday 20 March 2024
Regional Victorians will today feel deflated and cheated by confirmation the Commonwealth Games debacle will cost Victoria almost $600 million.
A scathing Victorian Auditor-General report has revealed the total cost of the cancelled Games is more than $589 million.
As if that is not bad enough, the Labor Government was also scolded in the report for not telling the truth.
The report states the Labor Government’s $6.9 million costings to withdraw from the games were “overstated and not transparent”.
It found the initial cost-benefit analysis used to commit to the Games not only underestimated the costs, but also overestimated the benefits.
And the report found Premier Jacinta Allan knew the costings were wrong, but did not act.
Leader of The Nationals, Peter Walsh, said regional Victorians were offered so much hope only to have it ripped away.
“The details in the aftermath are just as painful and Jacinta Allan now has serious questions to answer,” Mr Walsh said.
“Every regional Victorian deserves to know why Jacinta Allan and Labor rolled along with this charade that was the Con Games.
“The allure of the Games being held across regional Victoria was nothing more than a Con to attract votes at 2022 State Election.
“The report has found Labor knew the Games were in deep strife before the last election, but it shamelessly misled all Victorians.
“Victorians will pay almost $600 million for nothing but thin air. Labor can’t manage money and regional Victorians are paying the price.”