After caving to the wave criticism swamping the disastrous Solar Home Program Local, Labor’s Minister for Solar now has a fresh crisis on her hands.
Yesterday, after only 20 minutes Solar Victoria’s portal crashed locking out solar businesses and their customers once again. A day and half later and still no word when the Solar Victoria portal will be back on line.
The Nationals Member for Eastern Victoria Region said she fears the Solar Homes Program is going to continue to operate in a permanent a state of calamity.
“Despite the promises of a new and improved Solar Homes Program, Minister D’Ambrosio has again been left red faced and embarrassed.
“Labor’s Minister for Solar, Lily D’Ambrosio must take full responsibility for the ongoing Solar Homes Program problems.
“This is the third straight month the Solar Homes Program has failed customers and retailers.
“The Minister may have addressed the number of rebates available to customers, but she certainly didn’t listen to the feedback on the operational effectiveness of Solar Victoria’s online application system.
“Both solar businesses and their customers have been loudly complaining for months about Solar Victoria’s over the top and complicated system.
Ms Bath said it is incredibly disappointing and frustrating that solar businesses and their customers are once again in the dark.
“Everyone was feverishly preparing for the next round of solar panel rebates set for release on Monday 2 September, only to be let down again,” said Ms Bath.
“For now, everyone must wait to see if and when Solar Victoria’s online system will be back up and running.
“The Andrews Labor Government must act to fix all issues affecting the Solar Homes Program immediately if Victoria’s solar industry has a hope of recovering properly.”