Nationals Member for Ovens Valley Tim McCurdy is eager to see whether the Independent MP’s in Parliament’s Upper House vote in favour for greater protection for our Victorian farmers through harsher on the spot fines.
Mr McCurdy said, “In Parliament earlier this year I called for tougher penalties to be imposed against animal activities who trespass on the private homes of our farmers and their families.”
He continued, “The National Party also called for new amendments to facilitate this greater protection.
“These included amendments that will double the maximum fine for individuals to $21,809 in line with New South Wales and close the loophole that excludes a farmer from legal protection if they hold a licenced river frontage.”
Mr McCurdy added, “Instead of standing up for our farmers, Labor has turned its back by devising penalties that are the lowest in the nation and handing animal activists a get out of jail free card.
“These are not just farms the Andrews Government has turned their backs on – this is the family homes of many regional and rural residents across the Ovens Valley.”
The amendments proposed by the Nationals’ were blocked in the lower house by Labor MP’s teaming up with the Greens and Independents.
He concluded, “The National Party will continue to stand up for our farmers and ensure that greater protection to their farms and their families is implemented.”