Nationals Member for Ovens Valley Tim McCurdy is disappointed with the Labor Government’s silence when it comes to addressing the ongoing health crisis specifically in our regional towns across Victoria.
Unlike Labor, the Liberals and Nationals have real solutions to fix Labor’s healthcare crisis by investing in local hospitals and providing Victorians with the healthcare they deserve.
Mr McCurdy said, “In Parliament, I’ve previously spoken on various occasions about the detrimental impact the health crisis is having on regional patients and health workers within across the Ovens Valley electorate, and yet – here we are with the Andrews Labor Government’s cuts to health funding by $2 billion.
“My main concern is for our regional residents who are left unheard and unanswered.
“This year definitely is flying by – but that does not mean the Andrews Government can ignore the elephant in the room – being our broken healthcare system.”
A Liberals and Nationals Government, if elected proposes to finally rebuild our regional hospitals, fix triple-zero and end Victoria’s healthcare crisis.