Applications for the first 40GL of the 100GL Water for Fodder release will open in the week starting Monday 9 December.
Key facts
- The program will open in the week starting Monday December 9. Click here to register to be notified when the applications open. Make sure you check the “Water for Fodder” box.
- The water will be available at $100 per megalitre.
- The water is available to farmers located in the southern connected Murray-Darling basin who have had low or no allocation this water year.
- Farmers can apply for up to 50GL per water access licence, and 100GL per farm business.
- The water is being made available for use in producing for fodder, silage, and pasture
- Water will flow into accounts before Christmas.
- Applicants must not use a water broker to submit an application on their behalf.
- A number of measures have already been taken in the guidelines to ensure this release does not undermine the water market, get used for other purposes, or fall into the hands of water speculators or large corporations. The second 60GL release is expected in April after any necessary amendments or improvements are made to the program to ensure it is reaching the people who need it most.
- This program focuses on enabling farmers to keep their stock during the drought, as farmers forced to sell their breeding stock during the drought will find it difficult to recover once the drought has ended.
To apply, register for updates, check eligibility, view guidelines, or for further information
For help
If you need assistance or have any questions please email