The National Party is a grassroots Political party that relies on all branches of the organisation to successfully conduct campaigns. Below is a brief summary of the organisational structure of a campaign outlining the roles of The Central Campaign Committee, Local Campaign Committee and the administrative wing of the Party
Central Campaign Committee
- The Central Campaign Committee will work closely with local campaigns and Head Office to develop and monitor a campaign strategy, including fundraising targets, data collection, volunteer targets, canvassing activity, and media activity.
Local Campaign Committee
- It is the role of the campaign committee to oversee all localised campaign activity.
The campaign committee will be responsible for:
- Strategy and planning
- Finances and Campaign Budget
- Volunteer Management
- Opposition research and intelligence
- Election day rosters
- Media and Marketing
- Direct mail and letterboxing
- Data Collection
- Phone Canvassing
- Campaign Activity Shopping centres, market stalls, etc
- Election night preparation
- Pack up, follow up and thank you letters
Head Office
- It is the role of Head Office to support the campaign committee, candidates, and parliamentary wing.
Head Office is responsible for:
- Preselection’s
- National Party Brand/ Style Guide
- Authorisation of campaign material
- Senate/Upper House Campaigns
- Electoral Commission communications
- Registration of candidates