Campaign manpower, both experienced and inexperienced, is needed in any successful campaign. Your workforce needs to continue to grow culminating in an Election Day turnout demonstrating the strength of your support.
As you progress through the campaign you should be picking up new workers and contacts.
Always be on the lookout for people who can help and never let a chance go by.
One of the keys to getting out and door-knocking and visiting businesses is that you will pick up information from people. You will be surprised what you can find out – they could volunteer that they are Nationals supporters; that they want to join the party; that they want to help you in your campaign.
In situations where people volunteer that they are supporters of the party, their details should be recorded in Voter.ID so that they can be followed up by the candidiate or a member of the campaign team.
A follow-up phone call requesting the person’s support could result in another member of the leaflet dropping team and an attendee of functions, an offer to put a sign in the yard, a worker on Election Day, a donor or even a new National Party member.
Alternatively, it may result in an “I’m sorry. I vote Nationals but I don’t have the time or resources to help beyond that.” So be it. The message is that you’ll never ever know if you never have a go.
The important thing is that there are so many jobs to be done and the more people you can enlist to carry out the mechanics the better the campaign operation will run.
In developing a candidate support group, it is critical that you ensure that the campaign has an adequate level of experience in campaign procedure and technique.
It is amazing the number of dormant, very experienced Nationals campaigners there are out there who can be reactivated to help build a stronger campaign team for you. Many people will help only if they are asked. It is the role of a candidate to mix with different groups of people in your electorate. You should use these opportunities to identify possible helpers.
Don’t forget your personal friends and contacts. Once they realise you’re a candidate they might be happy to help. They might organise a small function for you at their home or they might introduce you to the members of their association, group or club. The possibilities are endless.
Also don’t forget to ask volunteers if any of their friends or family might be willing to help out. Two great sources of volunteers are Nationals members and volunteers from former campaigns.
Candidates or their campaign representatives should contact every branch throughout the electorate – contact the Branch Chairman for assistance in calling a Branch meeting.
They should also contact senior members of the last campaign team and obtain lists of people who have volunteered in the past.