Minister Carroll,

We want an equitable “School Saving Bonus”.

Thousands of regional Victorian families who choose to send their children to Catholic and independent schools are unfairly snubbed in Labor’s inequitable School Savings Bonus scheme.

These families are not immune to cost-of-living pressures and their children should also be eligible for the $400 schools bonus.

Whilst every high-income family with a child attending a government school will receive this bonus, many families attending non-government schools will miss out entirely.

If the Allan Labor Government wants to offer cost-of-living assistance to hardworking families, it should do it in an equitable way.

The School Saving Bonus is lazy and inequitable decision-making. We ask you to reconsider the eligibility criteria for the School Saving Bonus to make it fair for all regional Victorian families.

It’s time to give all a fair go. Add your name to our Parliamentary petition:

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