Dear editor,
Hard-working families continue to be hit hard by rising energy prices as life gets harder under Labor.
A new Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) report confirms Victoria’s energy system is the worst in the nation, suffering serious deterioration in the past six months.
Alarmingly, AEMO has warned Victorians can expect blackouts, based on the weather forecast for this summer and the following 10 years.
It means energy prices will continue to soar, when Victorians can least afford it amid a cost-of-living crisis.
The cost of controversial projects such as VNI West transmission upgrades will only add to the pain.
Some experts state it will add $1.1 billion a year to annual power bills. That’s a massive burden for Victorians to bear.
Although Victorian businesses and households are attempting to be more efficient by reducing their energy usage, they cannot avoid the costly hikes under Labor.
According to Energy and Water Ombudsman of Victoria (EWOV) complaints involving high electricity rates have skyrocketed by over 50 percent from the same time last year and still nothing has been done.
The Andrews Government needs to provide some relief for hardworking Victorians as the cost of living continues to rise and energy prices pile on.
Peter Walsh MP
Leader of The Nationals