The Nationals Member for Gippsland South, Danny O’Brien is reminding Gippslanders that road safety starts before you get on the road.
Mr O’Brien said with the “ring of steel” no longer in place and restrictions on accommodation booking easing it was evident that many road users would be planning long drives over the coming months.
“Our roads are likely to be extremely busy over the coming weeks and months and I for one am really looking forward to seeing our towns bustling again,” Mr O’Brien said.
“But it’s important that we don’t overlook the importance of the simple actions we can take before we get on the road to ensure we reach our destination safely.
“I’m encouraging anyone using our roads to ensure you check your tyres – even the spare, have your car routinely serviced, ensure any car seats are fitted securely and age appropriate, secure any animals travelling with you and most importantly make sure you are rested before you get behind the wheel.
“If you have a particularly long trip ahead of you it’s also important to plan your breaks before you go.
“Many of us have had a long wait to see our loved ones and it’s worth taking the time to make sure we all arrive safely.”
More advice on planning for a safe road trip can be found at