Nationals Member for Ovens Valley, Tim McCurdy, called on the Minister for Higher Education to support RTO organisations, following a recent decision from GOTAFE to stop providing RTO support.
Mr McCurdy said that several RTOs had already contacted him saying they will be forced to close down at the end of the year.
“I have been contacted by numerous RTOs saying that they would be forced to stop providing the course to students due to the lack up support.
“This means that year 11 students have been caught out and have no solid pathway forward next year.
“This could have detrimental impacts on them and disengage them from education altogether.”
Mr McCurdy cited the example of The Academy which was set up in 2017 by Richmond legend Alex Rance and has been successfully rolled out in Wangaratta.
“The Academy has been a great initiative to give young guys and girls who are passionate about AFL and sports the chance to excel and pursue a career that they are passionate about.
“It also gives students VCE Vocational Major qualifications as well as certificate III in sport and recreation.
“The contextual learning approach allows the Academy the opportunity to reach students who may otherwise be disengaged with school.
“In regional Victoria there are fewer pathways for students outside of the traditional education system, and even then, the offerings are slimmer when compared to metro schools.
“I request the minister to ensure the future of the Academy and other RTOs that rely on this funding and support.”