East Gippsland Shire Council is being short changed by the Andrews Labor Government on boat ramp maintenance.
Gippsland East Nationals MP, Tim Bull, asked questions in Parliament that highlighted the unfairness where a council like Frankston – with only two boat ramps – receives $112,000 every year for their maintenance, while East Gippsland – with 24 ramps – receives nothing.
“Over 10 years this will amount to more than one million dollars and is another example of how this State Government disadvantages rural communities,” said Mr Bull.”
“This came about when the Government determined to subsidise launch and car park fees for those councils that historically charged for their use. These councils, by their own admission, set these fees to meet maintenance costs.”
“However, those councils, like East Gippsland, that undertake ramp maintenance from general rate revenue and didn’t charge specific fees, get nothing.”
“I support East Gippsland council’s decision not to have charged ramp and parking fees as we want to make our area attractive to visitors, but how is that a council that has two ramps can get more than $1 million over 10 years in recurrent funds for maintenance – and a council that has 24 ramps gets nothing?”
“In the country we pay higher rates than our city counterparts and the government should not be subsidising urban councils that are much wealthier than our rural councils.”
“The answer is not to give metro councils more funding support and nothing to ours.”
“It’s not good enough, but is typical of this city centric Premier who continues to make decisions that disadvantage country communities,” said Mr Bull.