Gippsland trains take back seat
The Nationals Member for Gippsland South Danny O’Brien is again calling on the Andrews Labor Government to improve the service on the Gippsland line, with demand for passenger rail expected…
The Nationals Member for Gippsland South Danny O’Brien is again calling on the Andrews Labor Government to improve the service on the Gippsland line, with demand for passenger rail expected…
The Nationals Member for Morwell, Martin Cameron, has urged the Andrews Government to push through amendments to the Building Legislation Amendment Bill 2023 as a matter of priority. Mr Cameron…
The Andrews Labor Government has delayed a crucial step in Victoria’s path to Treaty by failing to provide documents to the Yoorrook Justice Commission. This week the Commission condemned the…
Dear Editor, May’s state budget will set out the government’s priorities for the coming four-year term, with Victorians being warned to brace for significant cuts in the face of state…
A program that could help ease the housing crisis in regional Victoria appears to have been ignored by the government, according to Northern Victoria MP Gaelle Broad. Ms Broad…
Dear Editor, Last week Parliament debated a bill about the ongoing licensing of a medically supervised safe injecting room in Melbourne. Disappointingly the Andrews Government voted down amendments moved by…
The Andrews Labor Government is being called on to take immediate action to fix the failing Victorian Patient Transport Assistance Scheme (VPTAS). The scheme reimburses travel and accommodation costs incurred…
Taxi licencing and disability accreditation delays are impacting upon the viability of some taxi services in the Ovens Valley. Nationals Member for Ovens Valley, Tim McCurdy, said that he had…
With a reduction in V/Line fares set to kick in from March 31, Nationals MPs have raised the need for improved service delivery, punctuality, reliability and investment. After The Nationals…
Recent reporting has shown the Andrews Government is failing to manage social and public housing demand despite marketing a multibillion dollar ‘Big Housing Build.’ Data released through the Victorian Housing…
The Andrews Labor Government has voted against sensible amendments backed by overwhelming evidence that Medically Supervised Injecting Rooms (MSIR) should not operate next-door to schools. Labor has ignored concerns in…
The Nationals Member for Euroa, Annabelle Cleeland, is calling on the Victorian Government to bolster its funding support of local CFA brigades ahead of the upcoming State Budget. Last year…